The conception of this post was spurred on by the insight of
a friend of mine. Her statements had shocked me into the realization of the
infant-like manner in which men conduct themselves these days.
Grown men not able to cook? Grown men not able to clean?
Grown men who, in their late twenties, have never prepared their own lunch?
Having mothers, girlfriends and wives tend to their every whim. What is
becoming of our generation of young, independent men?
Don’t get me wrong. The role of a mother/gf/ wife in the
support and concern of their men is a unique one, a gift that is given to us
daily. A gift that, dare I might say,
may even be misappropriated by the overzealousness of feminism and to rob each
other of the gifts of giving, humble service and care is a step backward for
Respect should be shown for the tremendous jobs women of the
21st century have been tasked to. With divorce on the rise, single
working mothers who play a dual parenting role with a single income and the
same 24hours in a day that we’re all enslaved to, have my most gracious and
unquantifiable respect.
I digress.
You say, “But Duvane, you live with your mother”. I hear you
and you would be correct.

I live with my mother. I pay rent. I contribute to the
upkeep of the house and it’s daily tasks. I cook my own food. Do my own
laundry. Clean my own living areas. Make my own lunch. Iron my own clothes. We
certainly do help each other out with these tasks from time to time so its
takes some of the pressure off the individual. It’s not a rare occurrence to
find me preparing both of our lunches or dinner. Vice versa. With the demands
of both our jobs we’re more like housemates than anything else.
Growing up, I remember my mother always saying to me and my
sister, “I make you do all these things so that if I had to die you won’t need
to rely on anyone”.
I’m grateful.
I have often
depicted my mother as a Spartan woman and for good reason too! The other day I
was sick off my feet and complaining about how fatigued and ill I was. From the
other room I thought I heard my mother shout, “What can I do to help”. I was
So I asked again and she repeated herself… “What did you make to eat …cos I’m hungry.”
Our men of today need to stand up and be counted. Our women
of today also need to stop pandering to their sons every need! Prepare them.
No girl wants to marry someone who she has to mother. Guys,
those are your wives, not your mothers. The women in your life aren’t your
maids. In modern society we see a greater share of domestic duties between
full-time working couples. Nobody wants to carry deadweight in a relationship.
Sparta was known for being the only Greek city without a
wall and there was a saying around the city of Sparta, “Our men are our walls.”
The duty of a man is not only to himself, to provide for
himself and to see to his own needs, but also to the needs of those around him.
To be able to give and receive are two of the many things that make up manhood.
To be the wall of your family and friends.
Those are the real men. Not the ultimate fighters or the
pimps and players because nothing of what they do matters to anyone except
When you die, it won’t matter if you drove a Lamborghini,
lived in a mansion or became a big business mogul. What will matter is if you
were a good father, a good son, a good brother and a good friend.
To be a man, is to be a man for others.
To be a man, is to be a man for others.