We’ve all dated at
least one psycho female. The thought of her probably just gave you a
chill down your spine. If you’re dating a girl
like this then you might as well slash your own tyres. I’m just helping you
avoid those ‘Stage 5 clingers’.

If her favourite movie is Fatal Attraction …Run bro.

If she texts you
saying she misses you …when she’s sitting right next to you …Run bro.
If she
introduces herself as your fiancĂ©e, after one week of dating …Run bro.
If she accuses
you of flirting when you thank the check-out girl for packing your groceries
…Run bro
If she thinks marriage will cure her
insecurities of you flirting with the check-out girl that packs your groceries
…Run bro

If she dresses up as a psychopathic mass murderer for Halloween
and uses her own clothes as the costume, insisting that psychopaths look like
every day people …Run bro.
If she
makes you a T-shirt with “I LOVE (insert psycho name)” on it and asks you to
wear it every time you go out …Run bro.
If she’s sitting in your apartment with dinner ready when
you get home from work …and you never gave her a key …Run bro.
If she says something
like, “It took you 10 minutes to get home. Google maps says it takes 8 minutes.
Who is she?” …Run bro
If she deletes your Facebook and makes you a joint account …Run bro.
If she makes a
scrapbook documenting your relationship for the last 8 years …but you’ve only
been together for 2 months …Run bro.
If you say "I’ll
just be a minute." And when you get back she says, “That was 2 minutes and
34 seconds, WHERE WERE YOU!?” …Run bro.
If you just started dating and she starts practicing her new
signature for when she marries you …Run bro.
If she bakes you a
cake… for your 1 day anniversary …Run bro
First, slowly
remove all of your valuables that are in her possession. Careful
though, move too much too soon and it will be like startling a grizzly bear!
Second, collect
all her articles that are in your possession and give them back. You don’t want
her breaking down your door at 3am to get her stuff back.
Third, break up in
a public place where she can’t immediately murder you. This will give you time to plot a 'Houdini' move afterwards.
If breaking up
with a girl like this simply isn’t enough. Sometimes you need to leave the
country, change your name, have extensive
plastic surgery, enlist in the witness protection program and mutate your Y-chromosome.
Also, if you’re a
raving lunatic that’s reading this post I’ve attached this ‘Post-datingFeedback Form’ for you to use freely, courtesy of happyplace.com.
Please don’t
hurt me.